Litentry App
- Support transaction signing and the interaction with Parity Signer (Display tx payload as QR code and scan signature generated by Parity Signer)
- Support Substrate-based chain Identity fetching and display in Litentry App
- Support balance fetching and displaying in Litentry App
- Integrate new Logo into the app
Litentry Node (Account Linker & Offchain worker)
- Prepare and investigate Bitcoin link related issues
- Investigate how to use the runtime api to load token from env variable
- Improve the unit test coverage for both offchain worder and linker
- Unify code styles across different repositories
- Configure and setup integration suite for runtime with polkadot.js
- Prepare workshop to introduce architecture
Upcoming: Litentry will present an online workshop in the DoraHacks Substrate Hackathon on Dec 19th 9 PM (UTC+8), live broadcast at (Chinese).