Litentry Crowdloan launches on Binance, rewarding 500,000 extra LIT and liquidity BDOT

2 min readNov 4, 2021


Litentry Crowdloan is partnering with Binance Exchange for the Polkadot Parachain Auction. We are now in the Binance DOT Slot Auction, which entered into a Warm-Up promotion on Nov 4, 2021 at 13:00 UTC. Users who vote for Litentry during the 1-week Warm-Up promotion will receive a share of 500,000 LIT rewards (worth $2.5M as of Nov 4).

Contribute through Binance

Basic Reward: 20,000,000 LIT (20% of total supply)

Crowdloan Hardcap: 8,000,000 DOT

Parachain slot leasing period: 96 weeks

LIT/DOT ratio: ≥ 2.5 LIT / 1 DOT

Binance Promotion Prize: 500,000 LIT hourly distributed in 7 days

Promotion Period: 2021–11–04 13:00 UTC ~ 2021–11–11 12:59 UTC

Prize Distribution Format: Users can claim the Warm-Up bonus on the slot auction page hourly. The $30M in rewards will be 100% distributed during the activity period.

👉 Contribute now:

Get Liquidity Derivatives BDOT from Binance

BDOT is the liquidity derivatives issued by Binance which anchors the DOT contributed to the Polkadot parachain crowdloan.

BDOT will be issued within 45 days after the Auction Period ends, and will be priced at the market price of DOT.

Read more from this Binance announcement:

About Litentry

Litentry is a Decentralized Identity Aggregator that enables linking user identities across multiple networks. Featuring a DID indexing protocol and a Substrate-built distributed DID validation blockchain, Litentry provides a decentralized, interoperable identity aggregation service that mitigates the difficulty of resolving agnostic DID mechanisms. Litentry provides a secure vehicle through which users manage their identities and dApps obtain real-time DID data of an identity owner across different blockchains.

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Written by Heima

Litentry is rebranding to Heima, shifting our focus from identity aggregation to chain abstraction.

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